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September 25, 2024

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Bringing You the Latest Buzz from Grace Fellowship


Pastor Paul Gilbert in blue suit jacket standing at podium
Pastor Paul Gilbert

Pastor's Pen

"In sixth grade, my parents thought it would be great for me to learn piano, so they signed me up for lessons. I managed to learn 'Go Down Moses,' but even 'Chopsticks' proved challenging. Reflecting on our Christian journey, it reminds me of those piano lessons. Thankfully, my parents didn't scold me for not mastering 'Chopsticks' right away.

In our spiritual lives, many of us feel pressure to be flawless from the start. Yet, no one sits down at a piano and plays concert-level pieces in their first weeks. The same applies to prayer, studying the Word, using our spiritual gifts, and sharing our faith. Achieving excellence in piano requires countless hours of practice and making mistakes. Likewise, spiritual growth takes time and effort. Don't be discouraged if you can't find 'middle C' immediately.

The Apostle Paul encouraged us in Philippians 4:9, “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”  We serve a transformational God, but it is important to remember that almost all spiritual growth requires practice.

I'm grateful to share what the Holy Spirit is revealing about the Kingdom, and God willing, I'll continue this weekend."





Current Series

Join us for "Kingdom Invasion" In this series of talks, Pastor Paul will be teaching what it means to bring heaven to earth.

🔗 Sunday Worship Livestream  |  Sundays 9:30 AM  | 

🔗Coffee With Grace Livestream | Wednesdays 9:00 AM |

Join us on Wednesday Nights

Family Night

@ Bomber Mtn. Civic Center

The meal begins at 5:30. We are having sloppy joes. Small groups for everyone begin at 6:30.

We are pleased to announce that Matt and April Crider will be leading Family Night for Adults, offering a variety of topics and plenty of interaction. Marietta Wright will be speaking on intimacy with God tonight. This promises to be a great opportunity for spiritual growth. 

Flashpoint Youth-Middle & High School students will be led by Stephanie and will meet in the large gym @ Bomber Mtn.

Kindle Kids- Infants-5th grade will be learning about the Old Testament story of Joseph with Ms. Sandy, Ms. Kerri, and Mr. B and will meet at Grace Fellowship.

We are in the process of developing a van ministry to pick up kids for Family Night. We are in need of volunteer drivers and adult co-pilots. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Scott Berglund @ 307-887-3330.

Equip 2024 - "But the Church Prayed"

Get a Head Start:

One of the seminars this year is "Destined for the Throne'" based on the book by the same name written by Paul Billhiemer. It would be helpful to have read the book prior to taking the class. Pastor Paul says, "Destined for the Throne" is one of the most influential books in his life.

If you want to get a head start on Equip, we have loaner books at the Information Table in the foyer. Leave your name to check it out, read it, and bring it back no later than one month.

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Upcoming Mission Opportunities

  • December 25-30 in Mexico

 Contact Jeff Wing (307-621-0204) for more info.

  • April 13-19 in Dominican Republic

Contact Mike Thomas (307-340-0022) for more info.

These trips are life changing for both the mission teams and the families served. Go to to learn more about this organization.

Campus Update

wooden cross with sunset background in green grass

Building Update:

Praise the Lord, we have reached $3,256,176, and this amount continues to grow. The people of Grace are unquestionably generous, all for the glory of God. Coins have multiplied, gold has been given, checks have been written, and more is sure to come. Whether through wills, stocks, cars, bonds, or property, one thing is certain - there is a rising 'whatever it takes to get this done' attitude among us." 


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