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October 16, 2024

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Bringing You the Latest Buzz from Grace Fellowship


Pastor Paul Gilbert in blue suit jacket standing at podium
Pastor Paul Gilbert

Pastor's Pen

I continue to be hungry to experience the presence of God and desire to experience something more than His everywhere presence (omnipresence), but His evident, noticeable presence.  I long for those times that God’s presence is close and evident in my life.  In Exodus 33:11 we read that, The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.  The word for face is the same word (prosopon) as the word presence. When the Bible speaks of God’s face, it is speaking of His presence.  For example, Psalm 27:8-9 says, My heart says, “Seek His face!”  Your face, Lord, I will seek.   Do not hide Your face from me.  To seek God’s face is not to find some place in space where God is located; rather, it is to have our heart enabled by the Holy Spirit to sense His reality and His evident presence.

This brings new light to 2 Chronicles 7:14 (especially in an election year), if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

I encourage you today to seek God’s evident presence (face).  Like Moses (Exodus 34:2) present yourself to God that He may reveal His presence in your life.  God shows up in powerful ways to the person who longs for Him and waits for Him.

Excited to see you this weekend.



Join us on Wednesday Nights

Family Night

@ Bomber Mtn. Civic Center

The meal begins at 5:30. We’ll be serving taco/burrito, refried beans, nachos, salad bar, and dessert.

After dinner we’ll have small groups for everyone at 6:30.

Adults- John Chrisitan will be speaking this week and Susie Longnecker next week.


Flashpoint Youth-Middle & High School students is led by Stephanie and will meet in the large gym @ Bomber Mtn.

Kindle Kids- Infants-5th grade. Ms. Kerri leads infants - preschool, Ms. Sandy leads K-2nd, and Mr. B leads 3rd-5th. They will meet at Grace Fellowship.

We are in the process of developing a van ministry to pick up kids for Family Night. We are in need of volunteer drivers and adult co-pilots. If you are interested in volunteering or would like your child (k-5th) to ride the bus, contact Scott Berglund @ 307-887-3330.

Have you registered for Equip yet?

Join us at this year's "But the Church Prayed" Equip Conference, where we come together in response to the call of God in these critical times. As the world and the church face unprecedented challenges, we will gather to align our hearts with the Master's business of prayer. Through powerful teachings, worship, and collective intercession, we will seek God's will and move forward in bold faith, trusting that when the church prays, heaven responds. Don't miss this opportunity to be equipped, empowered, and united in the power of prayer!

Cost: $35/person

Where: Bomber Mountain Civic Center

Times: Friday 6:30 pm | Saturday 9:30 am-2:30 | Saturday 5:30 pm (livestream) | Sunday 9:30 am (livestream)

Saturday Morning 9:30-11:45

Workshop Options (choice of 1):  

  1. Discover Your Spirit Giftings and Prayer – Gwen Buckingham  

    In this seminar, Gwen Buckingham will help you Identify and understand your unique God-Given Spiritual Gifts, with an emphasis on the gifts of intercession and receiving a personal prayer language. Discovering your spiritual gifts will start you on the journey to use your gifts within the Body of Christ to become the person God wants you to be!

  2.  Obstacles Keeping Us from Breakthrough – Marietta Wright

    In this seminar, veteran Equip facilitator Marietta Wright,

    will explore both obstacles of prayer and praying the kind of prayer that releases breakthrough. You will discover deep intimacy with the Father found in prayer.

  3. Finding God’s Treasures Through Prayer – Micheal Maynard

    God doesn’t hide things from us. He hides things for us. Learn to read the map God is giving you to discover the treasure in others, your community, and your church.

  4.  Destined for the Throne – Paul Gilbert

    In this seminar, Paul Gilbert will explore the concepts brought forth in Paul Billheimer’s impactful book, “Destined for the Throne.” This surprising teaching discovers how the church can move into a greater partnership with the King of Kings and how our place at the throne can change eternal destinies, of families, churches, and nations.

Saturday Afternoon 1-2:30

Prayer Practicum led by Dave Limmer

This general session aims to practice and apply what we learned in the morning sessions. Additionally, we will set aside time to pray for God to raise up leaders and people of peace in the rural areas of Wyoming and the Rocky Mountain Region.

Grace Fellowship will be open for prayer and worship in conjunction with the Great American Prayer Event on November 4 from 6:00-7:00pm.

Join us as we pray for our nation.

Women of Grace.

Friday, October 25 @ 6:30pm

Check your email or click on the event on the church calendar for links to the podcast we will be discussing - Candace Cameron Bure, Season 4, Episodes 1-5. Come for a great time of fellowship, encouragement and growing together as Women of Grace.

6 AM Wednesdays at Grace. Call Randy Longnecker at 562-447-8971 for more info

6AM Tuesdays at 175 W Brock. Call Jeff Wing at 307-621-0204 for more info 

Upcoming Mission Opportunities

  • December 25-30 in Mexico

    Contact Jeff Wing 307-621-0204 for more info.

  • April 13-19, 2025, in Dominican Republic

Contact Mike Thomas (307-340-0022) for more info.

  • February 2025 in Busia, Uganda

Contact Jeff Wing 307-621-0204 for more info. 

Campus Update

wooden cross with sunset background in green grass

We Are on the Move

As announced this weekend:

  1. Weather permitting, dirt movers will be on our property the first week of November. They will begin by cutting in the new entrance and installing some culverts. This will serve as a service road for equipment, allowing them to pour the foundation pad for the new building in the spring.

  2. We are working with our contractor to place a deposit on the steel for the new building. The purpose of this deposit is to lock in the price until the steel structure is ready to be erected.



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