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Grace Happenings | December 7, 2021

Pastor’s Pen

One of the most influential verses in my life as a young pastor was Psalm 126:6 He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him. I have seen this promise come to fruition time and time again. That when I sow seed into the Kingdom, or in another person’s life and I water that seed with my compassion or my tears there is always the fruit of blessing.

One of the things that will be so exciting, so fun, about heaven is that we will meet people that we presently (here on earth) have no idea we had an influence on. In faithfulness and sowing seed, we made a difference for them.

We have that opportunity this weekend to sow seed into the future of the Kingdom of God through the ministry and future of Grace Fellowship. Everyone will be given an envelope containing a small financial seed, you are encouraged to add to that seed if you can (if you can’t that is perfectly okay too). We will place the seed in the seed sack pray over it and trust the Lord to multiply it to bless it as we by faith step into a new venture, a new acreage where the physical presence of Grace Fellowship will be housed.

Remember you can count the seeds in an apple but only God can count the apples in a seed. It is about divine arithmetic, when we do what we can do and we do it by faith, God can add to it and make it enough.

I can’t wait to see you this weekend. We are going to hit the pause button on Daniel and finish our study in that amazing book after the first of the year. Over these next couple of weeks building up to Christmas, I want to visit with you about the Glory of the Lord.

 Family Night

Wednesdays                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      @Bomber Mtn. Civic Center 

 Meal: 5:30-6:15 

     Chicken & Noodles                                                       

     Mashed Potatoes                                                              

     Cream Corn                                                                    

     Salad Bar                                                        



Small Groups for all ages: 6:30-7:45

GF Holiday Schedule:

*Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 5:30 pm

*No Worship service at 5:30 pm, Saturday, December 25

*Sunday, December 26, Worship service 9:00  

*January 1 & 2 regular schedule with Worship & Communion                                                                                          

*No Family Night on December 22,29, and January 5.

We will celebrate Communion on December 18 & 19 and January 1 & 2

Women of Grace Praying

Better Together

Grace Fellowship Property Relocation-

Grace Fellowship is under contract for 5.5 acres on the corner of Main Street and Cemetery Road (diagonal from the High School).

The Building Fund balance is $324,911. We will be able to pay cash for the property when the sale is expected to finalize later this year. Paying cash will deplete our Building Fund, so we have a weekend where everyone of us is encouraged to plant some financial seed, (no matter how small) into the Building Fund-December 11-12.

GF Missions

GF is planning our next missions trip to the Dominican Republic with Casa por Cristo. The trip will be on December 27, 2021, and the cost is $1010 plus airfare and the Covid test. To be a part of this house building endeavor and for more information contact Jeff Wing 307-621-0204 or

If you would like to provide a scholarship or help support this mission, simply mark your donation as Casa por Cristo mission.

Better Together

Children’s Ministries

Saturday Nights

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30pm– 7:00pm

Sunday Mornings

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:00am–10:30am


Kindle Kids for children birth- 5th grade during Family Night @ Bomber Mtn.  6:30 pm

Student Ministries

Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School 


         Flashpoint Family Night  at 6:30 @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center

Saturday Night

Hang out, games, snacks, lots of fun @ the Brown House after the worship service until about 9:00

Adult Small Groups


Family Night Adult Group @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center 6:30 pm lead by Pastor Paul studying Hidden Treasures  

Bible Study @ 587 S. Main St. hosted by Harv & Joan Crowe 7:00


Prayer for Missions @ the Brown House 12:00pm–1:00pm

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