Bringing You the Latest Buzz from Grace Fellowship

Pastor's Pen
The times are changing, and the hour appears late. Each of us needs deep encounters with God. I assure you, in the days ahead, a superficial walk will not sustain you. Consider Genesis 32: Jacob initially had a superficial relationship with the Lord, so God engaged him in a wrestling match and left him with a limp. That limp became Jacob's defining mark. Sometimes, our encounters with God may appear as blemishes to others but learning from the encounter sets us up for great things.
Jacob's distinguishing mark was his limp.
Isaiah was known for his burning lips.
Jeremiah was marked by tears.
Hosea's obedience in marrying Gomer defined him.
Joshua's time in the tent, where God's glory rested on him, prepared him to be a great leader.
New Testament believers were distinguished by baptism by fire. Every believer needs a baptism of the Holy Spirit with fire, which purifies our lives from impurity.
The common thread among these individuals and New Testament believers was surrender and humility. Great faith and spiritual victory do not come through striving, but through surrender.
Today, I encourage you to ask God for a greater hunger for more than you have experienced so far.
Looking forward to seeing you this weekend…

Current Series
Join us for "Stitched Up." While sins are forgiven, wounds often remain. In this series of talks, we will learn how the Lord desires to stitch up our wounds.
🔗 Sunday Worship Livestream | Sundays 9:30 AM |
🔗Coffee With Grace Livestream | Wednesdays 9:00 AM |

Mark Your Calendar
Family Night Kick-off is September 11 @ Bomber Mtn. Civic Center
The meal begins at 5:30 followed by small groups for everyone at 6:30.
We are pleased to announce that Matt and April Crider will be leading Family Night for Adults, offering a variety of topics and plenty of interaction. Marietta Wright will kick off the sessions on September 11 and 18. This promises to be a great opportunity for spiritual growth.
Flashpoint Youth-Middle & High School students will be led by Stephanie and will meet in the large gym @ Bomber Mtn.
Kindle Kids-- Infants-5th grade will be led by Ms. Sandy, Ms. Kerri, and Mr. B and will meet at Grace Fellowship.
We are in the process of developing a van ministry to pick up kids for Family Night. We are in need of volunteer drivers and adult co-pilots. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Scott Berglund @ 307-887-3330.

Equip 2024 - "But the Church Prayed"
Get a Head Start:
One of the seminars this year is "Destined for the Throne'" based on the book by the same name written by Paul Billhiemer. It would be helpful to have read the book prior to taking the class. Pastor Paul says, "Destined for the Throne" is one of the most influential books in his life.
If you want to get a head start on Equip, we have loaner books at the Information Table in the foyer. Leave your name to check it out, read it, and bring it back no later than one month.

Mission's Opportunity
Want to be a part of a team to help get New Life Assembly ready for the Buffalo Christian Academy students to start the school year? This will involve organizing some storage areas and some light cleaning. If you can be a part of this great effort, meet at New Life Assembly on Saturday, August 17, at 9 AM.
Campus Update

Building Fund Update:
We are still waiting on new bids from the builder. Take heart—every delay gives us more time to reach our financial goals. To date, we have $3,158,843.14 in cash on hand. God is good, and your faithfulness is truly inspiring.
