I hope you are able to drive by and see the new Grace billboard. I hope it inspires you as it does me. We are inching ever closer to breaking ground and getting the footprint in place for our new facility. Truly, it is “One Miracle at a Time.” It is easy to forget the number of big and small miracles we have experienced that have brought us to where we are presently. There are surely more miracles to come as we offer our five loaves and two fish to Jesus for Him to do something miraculous with them. Always remember that little is much when God is in it.

When each of us brings our little bit for God to multiply, it will result in one miracle after another. What’s amazing is that it may not seem like a miracle at the time, but each piece, when combined with another, feeds a multitude and accomplishes God’s purpose, one miracle at a time.
Did I mention the Grace billboard? I thought I did! The other thing it says is, “Grace loves Buffalo.”

It is true; this is an amazing place! A strategic place! A safe place! A place of the blessing and favor of God. Every person in Buffalo matters to God, so as God’s children, they matter to us. It is exciting as we put our love into action and make a difference by loving the people of Buffalo, one life at a time. As a result, they will experience God’s miraculous, life-changing power.
Lives change! Circumstances change! Destinies change! One Miracle at a Time! Can you see it? Miracles are happening, and more are coming!