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Standing Firm in God's Vision for Grace Fellowship's Anointed Property

Wooden cross on Grace Fellowship's new campus with sunset behind

We are reminded of the clear vision God has given us for this build. As believers, it is essential to stand firm in this vision and trust in His provision and timing. In the words of Matt Crider:

"God, you've given us a clear vision this build is going to happen. I ask the enemy be silenced right now and that Your church be allowed to grow and expand out into this property. The enemy has no rights to stop anything being built there, God, so we plead the blood of Jesus over that property. We have anointed that property; it is Your property. Thank you, God."

This prayer emphasizes the authority we have in Christ to silence the enemy and claim God's promises. By pleading the blood of Jesus over our property, we assert that it belongs to God and that His purposes will prevail.

Prophetic Declarations

Prophetic declarations are powerful tools in spiritual warfare. Pastor Paul made two profound declarations that resonate deeply with our mission and vision:

"At Cemetery Creek on Cemetery Road, spiritual resurrections are going to happen!"
"Out of Grace is going to spring rivers of living water."

These declarations are more than just words; they are proclamations of faith and expectation. They remind us that God is at work, bringing life and renewal to our anointed property. Just as water flows through Cemetery Creek, symbolic of spiritual cleansing and rebirth, so too will encounters with God's grace bring about spiritual resurrections in the lives of all who tread upon this sacred ground.

The Power of Words

When we speak thoughtless words about our upcoming new location, our anointed property, such as saying it will never happen or that we'll never have enough resources to complete it, these words become accusations from the enemy. These negative declarations can serve as stumbling blocks, hindering our progress and God's vision. To break off these accusations and allow His power to overturn them, we need to engage in focused prayer. By bringing negativity to the courtrooms of heaven and laying these accusations before God, we can break off any curses said about Grace, either in our own church or in the town of Buffalo. By claiming the blood of Jesus, we can break them off and move forward in faith.

Repentance and Breaking Off Accusations

As Matt Crider poignantly stated:

"We repent of any idle words or thoughts against this building. We repent on behalf of this church or anyone in Buffalo who has spoken ill against this church or this building. Anything the enemy has brought to legally slow this down or stop it, God, we ask it to be broken off right now in the name of Jesus."

Repentance is the first step in breaking off the enemy's accusations. By acknowledging and repenting for any negative words or thoughts we or others have spoken, we take away the enemy's legal ground to hinder our progress. This prayer declares that we will not be swayed by doubt or negativity. Watch the video of Matt Crider and Pastor Paul Gilbert as they pray against accusations and curses over Grace Fellowship's anointed property.

Declaring God's Vision for Grace Fellowship's Anointed Property

Our words have power. When we speak in alignment with God's promises and purposes, we pave the way for His miracles and breakthroughs. Let us be diligent in prayer, quick to repent of idle words, and steadfast in declaring God's vision over Grace Fellowship's anointed property. Together, we will see His power overturn accusations and bring His plans to fruition.

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