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Grace Happenings | February 17

Pastor’s Pen

I think we would all agree these are unprecedented times. I hope you understand we are living and seeing end time events. In the end we will see the devil our enemy fighting because end times means his time is short. The Good News is the grace of Jesus is on display in power and might because where sin increases, grace increases even more (see Romans 5:20). Also, it is important to know in end times, it is not the Father’s will that any should perish, [I believe that means none], (see 2 Peter 2:9 and Matthew 18:14).

Let’s understand this a little further, 1 Peter 5:8 (NKJV) says,

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. The word “adversary” is the Greek word “antidikos.” When “anitdikos” is broken into two words, “anti” means against or to deny and “didkos” means rights. So, the adversary is seek- ing to deny you your rights that were bought by Jesus on the cross. In other words, his accusation against you and me in the spirit realm is to deny to you what is rightfully yours.

How do we deal with this? Jesus says in Luke 18:3, to pray, Grant me justice against my adversary. I believe we should be praying this for ourselves and for others.

I am thrilled about the series God has laid on my heart for the month of March, Discovering Your Purpose and Destiny. I am encouraging you to pray and to invite friends and family to come each weekend as we seek to introduce each of us into what is rightfully ours through the cross, and putting a stop to the adversary’s work to deny us what Jesus has promised.

Can’t wait to see you this weekend….the way the Spirit has been being poured out I cannot wait to be with you together in His Presence.

Grace Fellowship New Series - Falling In Love

2021 Upcoming Events

  1. Grace-Full Connections Women’s Ministry – March 16

  2. Good Friday Open Communion – April 2

  3. Easter Weekend – April 3 & 4

  4. Equip Harvest – April 16 & 17

  5. Mother’s day will be a BIG deal at GF

  6. Equip Conference – November 5, 6, & 7

Family Night


@ Bomber Mtn. Civic Center Meal: 5:30–6:15

Menu: French Dip Cole Slaw Nachos Green Beans Dessert

Small groups for all ages: 6:30– 7:45

Annual Meeting

February 28 @ 4pm

This is our annual time for members at GF to vote regarding our annual budget and elect 2 elders to serve on the Elder Board for the next 3 years.  Nominated as Elders for the next three years:

Matt Crider and Carl Danielson

If you can’t make the Annual Meeting, absentee voting will be available starting the weekend of February 20 and 21.

If you would like more information or you are interested in membership, contact Pastor Paul @ 307-621-0194

Missions Opportunity

GF is pleased to announce a missions trip oppor- tunity to the Dominican Republic, June 5–13. This trip involves building a house with Casa por Cristo for a needy family in the Dominican Republic. The captains for this team are Jeff and Hamlin Wing.

For more information see Jeff Wing 307–621–0204 ( or Hamlin Wing 307–621– 6077 (

For information on Casa por Cristo

Better Together

Children’s Ministries

Saturday Nights

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30pm– 7:00pm

Sunday Mornings

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:00am–10:30am

Wednesday Nights

Kindle Kids (Infants—5th grade) @Bomber Mtn Civic Center 6:30pm –7:45pm

Student Ministries


Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School students @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center 6:30pm–7:45pm Studying “What Did Jesus Do and How Do I Do It Too?” Fridays In depth Bible Study @ the Brown House (next to the church) after school until about 3:00 Saturday Night Hang out, games, snacks, lots of fun @ the Brown House after the worship service until about 9:00

Adult Small Groups


Men’s Breakfast @ Grace Fellowship 6:30am Adult’s small group @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center led by Pastor Paul 6:30pm–7:45pm studying “How to Experience the Presence of God.” Bible Study on Romans @ 165 S. Tisdale hosted by Dennis & Jill Thorson 7:00 Thursdays Prayer for Missions @ the Brown House 12:00pm–1:00pm Ladies small group in the Brown House led by Sheri Olver 6:00pm–7:00pm

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