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Grace Happenings | September 8, 2021

Pastor’s Pen

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says, For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

Right now, as perhaps never before, there is a war in the demonic realms over who gets to shape history.

This is not the time for Christians to be fearful, complacent, or aloof. It is time to take captive every thought and make them obedient to Christ. In other words, pray Lord is there something I am to do as a result of this thought. As believers, we sometimes think we are powerless, but that is the result of listening to the wrong voices (such as the voices of media and culture) rather than God’s word or the voice of Holy Spirit.

I am anxious to teach you what God has laid and is laying on my heart for this weekend. I want to encourage you to come ready for the teaching by reading/praying over Isaiah 43 and Ephesians 6:12. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be the ones who shape history, not be shaped by the culture around us.

See you this weekend.

Family Night Kick-Off

Wednesday, September 15  @Bomber Mtn. Civic Center            

Meal: 5:30-6:15  

Sloppy Joes



Salad Bar


Small Groups for all ages: 6:30-7:45

 We are in need of volunteers to help set up and clean up the dining area.  Contact Sandy Danielson @ 307-684-7511 if you would like to help.

Mark Your Calendars

  Family Night Kick-Off –September 15 @ 5:30

Membership Class—September 25 @ 10:00

  Equip Conference – November 5,6 & 7

Be watching for details as the events draw closer.   

New Office Hours

Starting September 13, the church office will be open Monday –Thursday 8:00-11:30 am

Children’s Ministries

Saturday Nights

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30pm– 7:00pm

Sunday Mornings

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:00am–10:30am


Kindle Kids for children birth- 5th grade during Family Night @ Bomber Mtn. beginning September 15, 6:30 pm

Student Ministries

Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School 


         Flashpoint Family Night kick-off is September 15 at 6:30 @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center

Saturday Night

Hang out, games, snacks, lots of fun @ the Brown House after the worship service until about 9:00

Adult Small Groups


Men’s Breakfast @ Grace Fellowship 6:30 am 

Family Night Adult Group @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center 6:30 pm lead by Pastor Paul studying Hidden Treasures starting September 15 

Bible Study on Romans @ 587 S. Main St. hosted by Harv & Joan Crowe 7:00


Prayer for Missions @ the Brown House 12:00pm–1:00pm

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