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Grace Happenings | October 18, 2023

Pastor’s Pen

I’ll never forget the terror I felt when our 3rd grade bully was proving his prowess by beating up each third-grade boy. I must have been toward the end of Charles’ list, so I lived in fear for the day when the bigger-than-life third grader would call me out. I remember the terror I felt when Charles said, “Gilbert I am coming for you after school.” I didn’t even know that he knew where I lived, but Charles knocked on the door. In terror I said quickly to my dad, “Dad it is Charles, he has come to beat me up.” So, Dad answered the door and stood there watching over the proceedings. I went to the door, and said, “Hello Charles!” Charles said, “Paul I just came to ask you to forgive me!” Wow, what a relief.

I would like to suggest to you that when life knocks on your door the Father (Abba) will stand there watching over the proceedings

Need proof? Isaiah 54:17

No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord.

Update on Strengthen Our Hands Campaign

  1. Grace makes a mortgage payment into the building fund of $5,000 per month.

  2. Total Interest Earned from Edward Jones $33,868.24

  3. Our construction company, Van Ewing, has been submittin blueprints for bids. 

Strengthen Our Hands to Build Faith Promise

$ 1,831,165.00

Received to date

$      69,412.00

Balance of Strengthen Our Hands

$ 1,761,753,04

Present Cash on deposit

$ 1,588,090.26

Total projected – when Cash and Faith Promises are received.

$ 3,349,893.26

We are asking God to help us build debt free! This will take us all. If you haven’t had opportunity to give yet jump in and start either through regular giving to the Building Fund or a Strengthen Our Hands Faith Promise 

Family Tonight

@Bomber Mtn. Civic Center

Meal served from 5:30-6:15

Menu: Taco/Burrito, Refried Beans, Nachos, Salad Bar, Dessert

Small groups for everyone 6:30-7:45

Adults: Pastor Rick will be teaching on “Unlocking Treasure”

Flashpoint (Middle School—High School): Will be studying the life and ministry of Jesus using clips from The Chosen.

Kindle Kids (Infants– 5th grade): Will be studying the early life of Jesus.

Casas por Cristo date change

Grace Fellowship is excited to announce we will be building a house in the Dominican Republic April 7-13 (Note the date change). This team of 15 will experience a life changing experience as we partner with Pastor Guarin Rodriquez and build a house for a needy family in the Dominican. If you want more information. simply let us know via email or Communication Card. Reserve your spot soon- they are going fast!

You don’t want to miss this year’s Equip Conference! Scott Woodard from Raleigh, NC will be our keynote speaker.  There will be seminars offered by Pastor Alex Williams, Pastor Dave & Beth Limmer, Marietta Wright, and our local team. Registration is now available on our website:

Kids Equip 2023

For kids Kindergarten – 5th grade. Register on the

We are Better Together

There are small groups available for everyone

Children’s Ministry

  1. Saturday Evenings 5:30– KREW (Children’s Church for K-5th grade)

  2. Saturday Evenings 5:30- Nursery  (Infants to five yrs.)

  3. Sunday Mornings 9:30 –KREW (Children’s Church K-5th grade)

  4. Sunday Mornings 9:30 –Nursery (Infants to five yrs.)

  5. Wednesday Evenings 6:30-7:45 –Kindle Kids (Infants –5th grade)

Flashpoint Youth Ministry

Wednesdays Evenings 6:30 –7:45 @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center.

Flashpoint Youth  If you would like to get text message  notifications text “Flashpoint” to 307-370– 7203


  1. Wednesday Mornings 9:00 – Coffee With Grace streaming live on Facebook and YouTube

  2. Wednesday Evenings 5:30-7:45 Family Night @ Bomber Mtn.

  3. Thursday Mornings 8:10– Mom’s in Prayer International

  4. Thursday Evenings 5:30-7:00 Ladies Bible Study

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