Pastor’s Pen
You’ve no doubt heard someone say, “If God was a loving God there would be no suffering in the world!” As if God is to blame for all of the sufferings that happens. Jesus did promise that each of us would experience some troubles in life. In John 16:33 Jesus says, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Timothy Keller said, “One of the main ways we move from abstract knowledge about God to a personal encounter with Him as a living reality is through the furnace of affliction. “ C. S. Lewis said, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain.”
So this week instead of chaffing under your troubles, ask God, what do you want to do in your life through this? What character flaw are you working on in me? What part of Yourself are You trying to reveal to me, through this trial? There are wonderful truths and blessings of God that we will never know apart from disappointment, failure, and trouble! Hold your head high and know that it is God who works in you to will and to do His good pleasure, (see Philippians 2:13).
Can’t wait to worship with you on Saturday and Sunday-let’s celebrate all of GF’s amazing ladies on Mother’s Day.
2021 Upcoming Events
Mother’s day weekend -May 8 & 9
Women of Grace Mugs & Muffins -May 8
New Believer’s Class-May 15, 3:45
Believer’s Baptism -May 15 & 16
Community Prayer -May 25, 10:00 am
Community VBS – June 21-24
Equip Conference – November 5, 6, & 7
Prayer Chain
We are reorganizing our prayer chains. If you would like to be a part of the email or texting group, fill out a Connection Card or call the church office at 307-684-7511.
New Believer’s Class
May 15 @ 3:45 in the Foyer. To register fill out a Connection Card or call the church office at 307-684-7511.
Camp Bethel Workday
Saturday, May 22, 2021, @ Shell Creek Ranch. Register online at
Family Night
@Bomber Mtn. Civic Center
Meal: 5:30-6:15
Grilled Brats/Dogs
Potato Salad
Fruit Salad
Chips/Nachos Dessert
Small Groups for all ages: 6:30-7:45

May 8th – 9am to 10:30am
At Grace Fellowship
Guest Speaker: Judy Pratt
Bring your favorite mug, eat a muffin and fellowship!
Baptism is an excellent way to publicly proclaim your faith in Jesus Christ. GF will be celebrating believer’s baptisms on May 15 & 16. If you are interested in baptism, contact Pastor Paul (307–621–0194) or Stephanie Berglund (307–887-5208)
Relocation/Building Fund
Let’s be in prayer for our Feasibility Team as they seek possible future locations for Grace Fellowship in order to plan and manage our kingdom growth and also for the growth of our Building Fund.
Our Present Building Fund Balance is $278,650.
Volunteer Opportunity
We are in need of volunteers to help at the Food Pantry. GF serves the community on the 3rd and 4th Monday of each month from 12:00 until 1:00. If you would like to volunteer contact Sandy Danielson at307-684-7511.
National Day of Prayer
National Day of Prayer is May 6.
Grace Fellowship’s doors will be open to the community from 11:00-2:00 for private or group prayer.
Grace Fellowship is celebrating women this weekend.
We have a photo booth for family/individual pictures and
treats for all the ladies. Join us Saturday night at 5:30 or Sunday morning at 9:00.
Mother’s Day Weekend
Grace Fellowship is celebrating women this weekend. We have a photo booth for family/individual pictures and treats from Sagewood for all the ladies. Join us Saturday evening at 5:30 or Sunday morning at 9:00.
Birthday Celebration
You are invited to an open house celebration of June Taylor’s 90th birthday.
Monday, May 31, from 2:00-4:00 at 480 North DeSmet Avenue
Please no gifts: let your presence be the present.

Children’s Ministries
Saturday Nights
Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30pm– 7:00pm
Sunday Mornings
Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:00am–10:30am
Wednesday Nights
Kindle Kids (Infants—5th grade) @Bomber Mtn Civic Center 6:30pm –7:45pm
Student Ministries
Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School students @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center 6:30pm–7:45pm Studying “What Did Jesus Do and How Do I Do It Too?”
In-depth Bible Study @ the Brown House (next to the church) 2:00- 3:00pm
Saturday Night
Hang out, games, snacks, lots of fun @ the Brown House after the worship service until about 9:00
Adult Small Groups
Men’s Breakfast @ Grace Fellowship 6:30 am
VA Bible Study at the Veteran’s Home 9:30 am Adult’s small group @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center led by Pastor Paul 6:30pm-7:45pm studying “How to Experience the Presence of God.” Bible Study on Romans @ 587 S. Main St. hosted by Harv & Joan Crowe 7:00
Prayer for Missions @ the Brown House 12:00pm–1:00pm