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Grace Happenings | March 30

Pastor’s Pen

When faith is crushed, when doubts assail and when defeat becomes our reality everything seems so hopeless, so permanent.  Crucifixion seems so all encompassing, so final, so powerful!  The really Good News is, in God’s world and for the Christian, death never has the last word!  Jesus said, “Because I live you shall live also.”  As powerful as crucifixion is, it holds no candle to the power of the resurrection!

Thomas was no stranger to resurrection; after all, he was no doubt with Jesus when Lazarus was raised from the dead.  But he had also seen the crucifixion and with it all of his dreams died. Then Jesus appeared and said “Peace be with you.”  Both the peace Jesus gave to Thomas and the evidence of the resurrection was exactly what Thomas needed to understand that resurrection is more permanent than death!

Just as Jesus gave Thomas what he needed to have faith, I believe that Jesus will give to our hearts and souls what we need!  He will not only give us His peace, He will give us faith to believe that resurrection has the final word!

Can’t wait to celebrate the resurrection with you on Saturday and Sunday!

2021 Upcoming Events

  1. Good Friday Individual/Family Communion – April 2

  2. Easter Weekend – April 3 & 4

  3. Believer’s Baptism – April 10 &11

  4. Equip Harvest – April 16 & 17

  5. Mother’s day will be a BIG deal at GF

  6. Community VBS – June 21-24

  7. Equip Conference – November 5, 6, & 7

No Family Night

this week.

Enjoy your spring break

and join us

next week at Bomber

Mtn Civic Center at 5:30

for a meal followed by

small groups for


Volunteers Needed

We are looking for Volunteers with flower gardening skills this summer.  If you are interested contact Sandy @ 307-684-7511 or Pastor Paul @ 307-621-0194


Baptism is an excellent way to publicly proclaim your faith in Jesus Christ. GF will be celebrating baptisms on April 10 & 11 during the Worship services. If you are interested in baptism, contact Pastor Paul (307–621–0194) or Stephanie Berglund (307–887–3330)

Missions Opportunity

GF is pleased to announce a missions trip opportunity to the Dominican Republic, June 5–13. This trip involves building a house with Casa por Cristo for a needy family in the Dominican Republic. The captains for this team are Jeff and Hamlin Wing.

For more information see Jeff Wing 307–621–0204 ( or Hamlin Wing 307–621– 6077 (

Open Communion w/ Pastor Paul

Pastor Paul Is offering an open Communion for individuals and families on Good Friday, April 2, from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm. There are still a few openings available.

To reserve your spot click on this link: or contact the church office at 307-684-7511.

Children’s Ministries

Saturday Nights

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30pm– 7:00pm

Sunday Mornings

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:00am–10:30am

Wednesday Nights

Kindle Kids (Infants—5th grade) @Bomber Mtn Civic Center 6:30pm –7:45pm

Student Ministries


Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School students @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center 6:30pm–7:45pm Studying “What Did Jesus Do and How Do I Do It Too?”


In depth Bible Study @ the Brown House (next to the church) after school until about 3:00

Saturday Night

Hang out, games, snacks, lots of fun @ the Brown House after the worship service until about 9:00

Adult Small Groups


Men’s Breakfast @ Grace Fellowship 6:30am

Starting April 7 @9:30 am VA Bible Study at the Veteran’s Home Adult’s small group @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center led by Pastor Paul 6:30pm–7:45pm studying “How to Experience the Presence of God.” Bible Study on Romans @ 165 S. Tisdale hosted by Dennis & Jill Thorson 7:00


Prayer for Missions @ the Brown House 12:00pm–1:00pm

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