Pastor’s Pen
Do you look at your life through the lens of How Much More or do you spend your days in “I guess this is all there is”? Romans 5:17 tells us “For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, How Much More will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!”
Our purpose can only be fulfilled when we reign in life. Reigning in life isn’t about having the best job, making the most money or never having anything bad happen to you. It is about receiving God’s abundant provision of grace no matter where I am in life. Even prisoners and slaves can reign when they understand who they are in Christ and what they have access to as the King’s Kids. Start meditating on the In Him, By Him and Through Him scriptures and start living in the How Much More!!
Family Night
Wednesdays @Bomber Mtn. Civic Center
Meal served from 5:30-6:15:
Chicken & Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Creamed Corn, Salad Bar, Dessert
Small groups for everyone 6:30-7:45:
Adults w/ Randy Longnecker will be studying “Teach Us to Pray”.
Flashpoint Youth (Middle School & High School) will be studying “Who’s Who in the Bible”.
Kindle Kids (infants-5th grade) will be studying Jesus’ death & resurrection.
New Members
God has blessed Grace Fellowship with a number of new members:
Randy & Barb Hartley
Charlie Taylor
Mike & Leaha Thomas
Zach & Stephanie Nicholson
Guy & Dawn Lensert
If you are not a member at Grace, watch for the next one-hour membership class.
Casas por Cristo Mission Trip
We are praying for the Casas por Cristo Team currently in the Dominican Republic building a house this week. You can be a part in two ways: prayer and helping to provide furnishings for the family. We are hoping to provide them the following…
$75 – Pedestal Fan
$150 – Propane Stove
$200 – Full-Size Bed w/ Mattress
$350 – Bunk Bed w/ Twin Mattresses
$400 – Dining Room Set w/ Four Chairs
The total is $1,175. If you would like to be a part of this mark your check or offering envelope Casa’s trip
Follow their progress on Facebook.
Save the Dates
* Casas por Cristo Mission Trip – March 12-17
* No Family Night April 5
* Good Friday Community Service-Noon @ St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
* Resurrection Weekend @ GF-
Good Friday Individual Communion
Worship Services- Saturday 5:30pm & Sunday 9:30am
Sunrise Service @ Grace Campus-more info to come
* Community VBS -August 7-10

Women of Grace Gathering
Mark your calendar for March 20 @ 6:30 pm in the Worship Center at Grace. The Women of Grace will be starting a study called “Find Your People” by Jennie Allen. Here is the link to register:
Grief Share
It hurts to lose someone.
Find help at Grief Share.
Grief Share is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Meetings will begin March 21, 5:30 pm at Grace. Call the church office (307-684-7511) to reserve your spot.
Missions Prayer Advance at Camp Bethel April 14-16
Hosted by our Missions Prayer Group
This is not a teaching retreat, but a time of listening to deepen the way to listen to what God is telling us. If this is something the Lord is calling you to, contact Margaret Smith @ 307-217-3622

We are Better Together
There are small groups available for everyone
Children’s Ministry
Saturday Evenings 5:30– Children’s Church (K-5th grade)
Saturday Evenings 5:30- Nursery (Infants to five yrs.)
Sunday Mornings 9:30 –Children’s Church (K-5th grade)
Sunday Mornings 9:30 –Nursery (Infants to five yrs.)
Wednesday Evenings 6:30-7:45 Kindle Kids (Infants –5th grade).
Flashpoint Youth Ministry
Wednesday Evenings 6:30-7:45 @ Bomber Mtn. Civic Center (Middle School & High School Youth)
Starting March 20 and meeting every 3rd Monday @6:30-women’s gathering called Find Your People by Jennie Allen
Wednesday Mornings 8:00 -Mom’s in Prayer International
Wednesday Mornings 9:00 – Coffee With Grace streaming live on Facebook and YouTube
Wednesday Evenings 5:30 –6:30 Family Night Meal @ Bomber Mtn followed by small groups from 6:30-7:45
Thursdays at Noon-Missions Prayer
Thursday Evenings 5:30-7:00 Ladies Bible Study
Saturday mornings at 10:00-Draw the Circle-A 40-day Prayer Challenge by Mark Batterman. Meets at 535 S. Pinnacle Dr.