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Grace Happenings | June 9, 2021

Pastor’s Pen

“Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool” – Isaiah 66:1

“Have you entered the springs of the sea? Or have you walked in search of the depths? Have the gates of death been revealed to you? Or have you seen the doors of the shadow of death? Have you comprehended the breadth of the earth?” – Job 38:16-18

Awe: an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime – Merriam Webster Dictionary

Is wonder a part of our spiritual lives? Is awe? When we encounter  God do we put Him in His proper place? Or have we turned the fierce and authoritative Lord of Hosts into a meager household deity?  The Bible begins with a demonstration of God’s authority over all creation; the Lord’s prayer begins with” Our Father in Heaven, hallowed is Your name”. When we start with wonder, awe, and veneration for who God is — all the sweeter His love becomes.  When we begin at the throne, the manger is staggering.  The truth can be absurd sometimes, and it is absolutely true that the God of the universe met sinful humanity, suffered, and died in their place.

I cannot wait for this weekend, to worship with my brothers and sisters of the faith and to have the privilege of delivering my first sermon.  I hope to see you there!

Barrett (the Youth Intern)

2021 Upcoming Event

  1. Next Steps class (Church Membership)-June 19 @ 3:45

  2. Father’s Day Weekend-June 19 & 20 

  3. Community VBS – June 21-24

  4. Equip Conference – November 5, 6, & 7

Flashpoint Youth

Starting June 9, Bible Study 6:30-8:00 pm in the Brown House.

 Next Steps Class

Next Steps is the name of our membership classes. Membership in a church is so important for working together and building unity. Diversity in our giftedness, but being on the same page in our mission and vision is so important. You will learn about our amazing history, our vision, and how everything works together. The class lasts approximately 75 minutes. June 19 @ 3:45 in the church foyer. If you are interested in church membership contact the church office (684-7511) or fill out a connection card and place it in the offering box.

Mark Your Calendar

Community VBS

June 21-24, 2021

5:00– 8:00pm

Bomber Mtn Civic Center

Register your child (4yrs-5th grade) at

Prayer for Property

The Elders and the Feasibility Team are asking for your prayers as they seek God’s guidance on the purchase of 5.5 acers on the corner of Cemetery Rd. and Main St. If you have questions contact a member of the Feasibility Team: Rob Schlichting, Anna Buckingham, Casey Freise, Skip Crawford, Randy Longnecker, or Cristy Kinghorn. If you would like to speak to the Elders, you can make an appointment by calling the church office (684-7511). They will be meeting June 20 at 6:00 pm. 

Casa por Cristo

We have a team of folks leaving for the Dominican Republic on June 5, to build a house for a family in need. This family’s home has been destroyed by termites, including their beds and dining table. Because of your gracious financial gifts, these items will be replaced. The team is asking that we cover them in prayer throughout this mission.  You will find a prayer itinerary on the Information Center to help you pray specifically for them.

Children’s Ministries

Saturday Nights

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30pm– 7:00pm

Sunday Mornings

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:00am–10:30am

Student Ministries


Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School  Bible Study in the Brown House 6:30 -8:00 pm

Be watching for exciting events throughout the summer


In-depth Bible Study @ the Brown House (next to the church) 2:00- 3:00pm

Saturday Night

Hang out, games, snacks, lots of fun @ the Brown House after the worship service until about 9:00

Adult Small Groups


Men’s Breakfast @ Grace Fellowship 6:30 am

Bible Study on Romans @ 587 S. Main St. hosted by Harv & Joan Crowe 7:00


Prayer for Missions @ the Brown House 12:00pm–1:00pm

Friday & Saturday

June 25-Friendship Ministry 5:00 pm– 693 N. Carrington Ave –guest speaker Kari Perkins –hosted by Krystal Bybee

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