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Grace Happenings | June 28, 2022

Pastors Pen

Along with a couple of brothers, I had a most amazing experience yesterday on a Zoom call with Peter and Ruth Xu who are coming to Equip November 4-6. Pastor Peter stated it is the will of God to come to Buffalo and that they feel called to come. Surely God is up to amazing things in Buffalo and the state of Wyoming.

People have called Pastor Peter Xu the ‘Billy Graham of China’, and ‘Father of the Chinese House Church’. He is a humble servant of God with a heart to complete the Great Commission!” From 1985 up until the present, Pastor Peter and his co-workers have trained and equipped more than 100,000 evangelists. He is the leader of a network of churches numbering over twenty million, and his church network has become one of the largest in China. God has revealed His gracious hand and His mighty arm among the suffering house churches in China.

 In March of 1997, his fifth time to be put in prison, 47 Congressmen of the United States came together to make an effort to request the Chinese government to release Pastor Peter. Hence, the world of Christian Believers started the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, was started and Peter was miraculously granted asylum in the United States. 

There is an amazing work of God taking place in China, as literally millions have come and are coming to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  The Holy Spirit is moving in mighty ways and rekindling a passion in the Chinese Church to “go into all the world and preach the good news.”  The Chinese Church has a burden, especially for the unreached people groups in the 10/40 window and senses a special calling to reach these souls with the Gospel.  

I wonder why God is sending giants of the faith to Buffalo, like Pastor Peter and Marietta Wright who will be coming again in November, unless He plans to move in unprecedented ways. We need to get ready to receive it.  Soon two books will start circulating that as many as possible should read, Heavenly Man and Back to Jerusalem. Heavenly Man is about one of Peter’s disciples’ Brother Yun and Back to Jerusalem is about the burden of the persecuted church to reach the 10/40 window with the gospel.

Also, we asked Peter how we should pray, He gave a whole list of things that we will soon be sharing, but let’s start with God preparing hearts, and bringing to Equip those that God intends to touch and health for both Pastor Peter and Marietta.

Church, right under the busyness of our lives, God is up to amazing things, “It springs up! Do you not perceive it?

Okay changing the subject but still with Equip, Matthew Schlichting will be sharing the Word in both services this weekend. I can’t wait to hear Matthew and I’ll see you on Saturday or Sunday.

Love you –Pastor Paul

Wow! We are so proud of the contributions our Grace family made for Serve the City! A huge thank you for all the time, energy, and goodies donated this past Sunday.  Many were blessed that day and will continue to be blessed.

Save the Dates

Power Cooking at GF-July9, 9-12:00 Text Jill Thorson (307-217-0801) to register

Community VBS @ Summit-July 25-28 @ Summit

Baptism & Potluck Picnic– August 13 &14 at the Train Side of the Park.

Mexican Fiesta Dinner & Auction—September 9, 5:30-8:30 @ Bomber Mtn. Marietta Wright has donated 17 “Art from the Heart” drawings that will be auctioned. We will also be looking for other items of value: guns, antiques, times shares, etc. All proceeds will go to the Building Fund, More details will be forthcoming. For any questions see Tom Ostlund or Ronda Schlicting.

Family Night Kickoff– September 21

Equip-Open HeavensNovember 4-6 with Peter Xu and Marietta Wright

GF Garage Sale

This Saturday from 9:00 –2:00

We are looking for volunteers to help set up, clean up, and work during the sale.  If you can help contact the church office at 307-684-7511.

 All proceeds go to the Building Fund

Music @ Crazy Woman Square

Grace Fellowship Worship Team will be providing music (Southern Gospel Style) during the Farmer’s Market this Wednesday evening (5:00-7:00). Come and enjoy the market and the music.

Building Update:

Our present Building Fund is $206,398. Thank you, Lord, for blessing each of us with Your goodness.

Note:  All donations and balance for the Building Fund are strictly used for that purpose.

Opportunity to Serve

We are looking for someone to head the Amie Holt services once a month. We cover the 4th Sunday of each month. The services are about 30 minutes and consist of a few songs and a short devotio8nal.  If you are interested in helping with this ministry, contact Tom & Roxanne Ostlund (307-630-1281)

Baptism & Picnic

August 13 & 14 at the train side of the park.  This will be a potluck meal with the church providing the meat, drinks, and table setting.  If you are interested in baptism contact                                            Pastor Paul (307-621-2314) or Stephanie(307-887-5208).

Community Vacation Bible School will be July 25th-28th (Monday through Thursday) in the evenings from 6-8pm. Summit Church is hosting this year and we are so excited! The theme is “On The Case”. We will have 4 stations that kids will rotate between and I’m still looking for help leading some of the Bible Story element. 

For individuals wanting to help, they can sign up for decorating, registration, small group leader or clean up on Friday. Please have them apply to volunteer using the link

Save the Date

Children’s Ministries

Saturday Nights

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30pm– 7:00pm

Sunday Mornings

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:00am–10:30am

Student Ministries

Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School Students

Saturday Night

Hang out, games, snacks, lots of fun @ the Brown House after the worship service until about 9:00

Adult Small Groups


Prayer for Missions in the Prayer Room @ GF  12:00pm–1:00pm


Friendship Ministries text 307-267-9833 or email for location, etc.

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