Pastor’s Pen
I am excited to share a new series, entitled “Majestic Mindset.” In fact, the short series “Fullness” was a precursor to help us be ready to develop a majestic mindset. (Majesty Mindset will start this coming weekend).
Fullness is the only measure in the Kingdom and when God created you, it was with the DNA to quest and receive fullness. Fullness means we are hosted by the Father Who has never been overwhelmed, and by Jesus Who has never been defeated, and by the Holy Spirit Who always leads us in triumph.
The Old Covenant where many of us still live is about performance, but the New Covenant we are called to is fullness. The Old Covenant says, “Our performance is never enough,” but when we walk into the New Covenant, there is always enough because the message of the new covenant is fullness.
Performance is a billion-dollar industry (counseling, self-help books, on and on it goes) -to help you make the old man better. It doesn’t work! Jesus came to make the old man better, He came to give totally new man in the DNA of fullness.
I want to encourage you to continue meditating on what Jesus said in John 14:20-23 and John 1:16 and 1 John 4:17.
A new series starting this weekend.
You don’t want to miss it!

Our next meeting is June 19.
We would love to see you there.

Strengthen Our Hands
Our cash in hand and Faith Promises for Strengthen Our Hands now stands at $ 3,240,120.
Our Building Task Team chair Casey Freise announced on the weekend that we have selected Van Ewing Construction as our Contractor. Van Ewing has 7 years of experience in building churches, the foreman assigned to our property has a Bible College degree and believes the worksite will be a place of ministry. We are excited to be partnering with Van Ewing Construction.
If you haven’t had a chance yet to trust God with a Faith Promise, there are cards on the information table. Simply fill out the card or use the QR code to make a Faith Promise of what you are trusting the Lord to do through you.
Save the Dates
Flashpoint-Burn -June 17 after worship -9:00 @Cemetery Creel property
Father’s Day Ice Cream Social & yard games -June 18, 4:00 pm @ Cemetery Creek Campus.
Community VBS – August 7-10
Wednesday Night Prayer Group
A Wednesday night prayer group will be meeting on Wednesday, May 31 @ 6:30 at 535 S Pinnacle Dr. Each week there will be a new prayer focus. You won’t want to miss this powerful time. For more info contact Anna Buckingham (307-684-2859)

Join us at Grace on Father’s Day weekend (June 17 & 18). all men will be receiving a special gift.
Grace Fellowship is headed to the DR May 5-10, 2024
15 people from Grace will be building a house in the Dominican. The house will be paid for by Grace, each participant will pay their own airfare and transportation and meals while in the Dominican. Pray about it, are you one of the 15.

We are Better Together
There are small groups available for everyone
Children’s Ministry
Saturday Evenings 5:30– Children’s Church (K-5th grade)
Saturday Evenings 5:30- Nursery (Infants to five yrs.)
Sunday Mornings 9:30 –Children’s Church (K-5th grade)
Sunday Mornings 9:30 –Nursery (Infants to five yrs.)
Flashpoint Youth Ministry
Flashpoint Youth activities will be announced throughout the summer. If you would like to get text message notifications text “Flashpoint” to 307-370- 7203
Women of Grace Bible Study meeting every 3rd Monday @ 6:30- Find Your People by Jennie Allen
Wednesday Mornings 9:00 – Coffee With Grace streaming live on Facebook and YouTube
Wednesday Night Prayer Group 6:30 @ 535 S Pinnacle
Thursdays at Noon-Missions Prayer
Thursday Evenings 5:30-7:00 Ladies Bible Study