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Grace Happenings | July 7, 2021

Pastor’s Pen

I love those times when the less than obvious, the behind-the-scenes story, pops out to us in the Scripture. That happened to me the other morning while reading through the Gospel of Mark. In Mark 14, Jesus’ disciples asked Him, “Where would you like us to prepare the Passover meal for you?”  So, Jesus sent two of His disciples on a treasure hunt. Jesus told them to watch for a guy carrying a pitcher of water and follow him and say to him at whatever house he enters, “The Teacher wants to ask you: ‘Do you have my room ready where I can eat the Passover meal with my disciples?’   And he will show you a large upstairs room ready and with a table set.”

Here is what jumped out at me. There is no evidence that Jesus had ever had contact with this owner of the room before. Perhaps the guy, the owner, had a dream or saw a vision of someone important coming to his house to use the room. Perhaps he had seen Jesus and had the sense that if Jesus ever comes his way, “I will have that room ready for Him.”  Use your imagination with me, perhaps he told his wife, we are going to have important guests. She and others may have even thought him to be ridiculous.  However, it happened he had the room ready and the table set. I believe that the homeowner had the room ready, and the table set by faith. I would like to suggest that he had the room ready because he was obediently listening to the Spirit.

Wow! Jesus used this room, his room, for the last supper, what a privilege. How could the homeowner have known? I wonder what cleanup would have been like. There must have been something of the presence of Jesus still lingering. Jesus must have really enjoyed the room as this evidently was not the last time the homeowner would give the room to be used by God. Tradition says it was in this same room where the Holy Spirit would be poured out at Pentecost.

Never underestimate the importance of having the room ready and the table set for Jesus. Never underestimate the importance of obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Looking forward to the weekend as we come together in one accord and worship!

2021 Upcoming Events

Baptism & Potluck at the park –                       August 7 & 8

Equip Conference –                                          November 5, 6, & 7

Flashpoint Youth

(Middle & High School Students)

Summer Retreat at Camp Bethel-July 11-13.  The cost is $90.00.  Contact Barrett (307-217-0108) for registration and more details.

Missionary Visit

Ted and Denise Saur will be at GF on Monday, July 12, at 6:30 pm in the Worship Center for a presentation on their international campus ministry in California.

Relocation/Building Fund

Our present building fund balance is $298,052. This is a great time for us to start thinking about the building fund in our giving.  You can give online or by marking an offering envelope as Building Fund.


Baptism is an excellent way to publicly proclaim your faith in Jesus Christ. GF will be celebrating baptisms on August 7 &8 at the park with a potluck meal to follow.  If you are interested in   baptism, contact  Pastor Paul (307-621-0194) or Stephanie Berglund (307-887-5208)

Service for our Seniors

On Sunday (July 11) at 1:15 we have an opportunity to serve at Amie Holt Care Center. To participate in this ministry you most have a Covid vaccination.  For more infor contact Matgaret Smith 307-684-7849

Children’s Ministries

Saturday Nights

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30pm– 7:00pm

Sunday Mornings

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:00am–10:30am

Student Ministries

Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School 


Bible Study in the Brown House 6:30 -8:00 pm

Be watching for exciting events throughout the summer

Saturday Night

Hang out, games, snacks, lots of fun @ the Brown House after the worship service until about 9:00

Adult Small Groups


Men’s Breakfast @ Grace Fellowship 6:30 am

Bible Study on Romans @ 587 S. Main St. hosted by Harv & Joan Crowe 7:00


Prayer for Missions @ the Brown House 12:00pm–1:00pm

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