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July 10, 2024

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Bringing You the Latest Buzz from Grace Fellowship


Pastor Paul Gilbert in blue suit jacket standing at podium
Pastor Paul Gilbert

Pastor's Pen

We are ordinary people who have an extravagant Father. 1 John 3:1 says, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 

As ordinary people, we must not think ordinarily; rather, we should adopt the mind of Christ and continually make room in our hearts for our extravagant Father, who is full of goodness and mercy. If we think ordinarily, several things will happen:

First, we will embrace a worldview and belief system that requires no faith.

Secondly, by thinking outside the understanding of an extravagant Father, we may become more convinced of our own unworthiness and less conscious of His worth and power. In ordinary thought, we may focus on our inability rather than the Father’s ability that He grants us through the anointing and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Thirdly, without understanding Who God is during times of trials, we may magnify the devil in our minds more than God. The devil, though a pest, is a created being and should never be perceived as greater than the Creator in our lives.

So, this week, meditate on a Father who lavishes goodness and love upon us, and seek to fully understand whose children we are. This understanding will enable us to step into an extravagant and extraordinary life.

Unity and Maturity Learning from 1 Corinthians in purple with open Bible in background

Current Series

Join us this weekend as Pastor Paul continues his series in 1 Corinthians.

🔗 Sunday Worship Livestream  |  Sundays 9:30 AM  | 

🔗Coffee With Grace Livestream | Wednesdays 9:00 AM |


Equip 2024 But the church prayed

Equip 2024 - "But the Church Prayed"

Get a Head Start:

One of the seminars this year is "Destined for the Throne'" based on the book by the same name written by Paul Billhiemer. It would be helpful to have read the book prior to taking the class. Pastor Paul says, "Destined for the Throne" is one of the most influential books in his life.

If you want to get a head start on Equip, we have loaner books at the Information Table in the foyer. Leave your name to check it out, read it, and bring it back no later than one month.

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New Campus Update

wooden cross with sunset background in green grass

Our architect is finalizing some redesigns, adjusting square footage, and ensuring the overall project moves into great financial feasibility. Within the next month, we expect to receive new bids for the building, which will guide our next steps. We are grateful for God's blessings; last month, we received $10,919 in interest from building fund investments, bringing our current balance to $3,125,567. Let's continue to pray, obey, and witness God's work!

heart graphic

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dark blue ways to give at Grace Fellowship

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