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Grace Happenings | January 18, 2023

Praying in Line with a God Who is Always on Time

As a church, we desire to remain faithful to the path God sets before us; to be obedient to His leading, to be patient in His timing, and to be faithful in our prayers and thanksgiving.

This Sunday evening at 6:30 pm we will be having a special time of prayer at the church. We want to be obedient in where God is leading us next, who He wants to step into His plan and promise, where He wants us positioned, how we should prepare for His continued release of finances, and ALWAYS to surrender ourselves in praise and thanksgiving for the miracles He continues to pour out on His people.

Please join us as we come together in prayer for our timing to get in line with God’s timing, for the faith and patience to wait on Him, and for the strength and obedience to surrender to His plan.

Prayer Gathering

Join us on January 22, @ 6:30 pm for a time of prayer seeking wisdom for the future of Grace.

Missions Opportunity

GF is planning a mission trip in March with Casas por Cristo. They have openings for one or two additional team members. The cost is $264 plus airfare per person. For more info/to sign up text, email, or call the church.

Family Night

Wednesdays @Bomber Mtn. Civic Center

Meal served from 5:30-6:30:

Chicken & Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Cream Corn, Salad Bar, Dessert

Small groups for everyone 6:30-7:45:

  1. Adults w/ Pastor Paul will be studying “Teach Us to Pray”.

  2. Flashpoint Youth (Middle School & High School) will be studying “Who’s Who in the Bible”.

  3. Kindle Kids (infants-5th grade) will be studying Daniel and learning how to stand up for what we believe.

Women of Grace

This year Women of Grace will be offering a variety of ways we can serve, grow and connect with other women – bible studies, events, and monthly gatherings.

To start the year you can join the study “Women Of The Bible“. The study starts this Thursday, January 19th at 5:30 pm at the church. Stop in and check it out.

Make sure you SAVE THE DATE for the 2nd Annual Tea @ The TA on Saturday, February 11th at 10 am.

We will be announcing more events so make sure you stay informed by checking out the Women of Grace page on the church website

Partnering With Grace

Pastor Paul is offering two classes: February 4, @ 3:45 and February 5, @ 11:00. These classes are designed to help you understand the history of Grace and where God is taking us. Partner with us in the powerful movement of God. You are here for a time such as this. Contact the church office to register.

New Members

We would like to welcome Ryan, Victoria, and Hannah Swan as new members of GF

Better Together

Children’s Ministries

Saturday Nights

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30 pm– 7:00 pm

Sunday Mornings

Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:30 am-11:00 am


Kindle Kids for children infants through 5th grade 6:30-7:45 pm at Grace Fellowship

Student Ministries

Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School Students


Youth group at Bomber Mount Civic Center 6:30-7:45 pm

Adult Small Groups


Mom’s in Prayer International 8:00 am or after school drop off @ Grace in the Fellowship Hall

Family Night @ Bomber Mtn Civic Center | Meal 5:30-6:30 | Small Groups 6:30-7:45


Prayer for Missions in the Prayer Room @ GF 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

Ladies Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall at GF. Studying Women of the Bible @ 5:30 pm

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