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  • Writer's pictureGrace Fellowship

Grace Happenings | February 14, 2024

Pastor’s Pen

I was listening to the testimony of one of our men this morning and was moved by what he said and by his obedience. Sitting down in a fast-food restaurant with his meal, as he bowed his head to pray, he notices a woman four booths down from where he was sitting. He thanked the Lord for the food and then prayed for the woman. In that moment the Holy Spirit said, “I want you to go pray for the woman!” So mustering the courage he said, it was like I became the “skin of Jesus in that moment.” He asked the woman if he could pray for her. She responded, “How could you have known that I am desperately needing prayer?”  In that moment of obedience (his) God meet her need.

What a powerful statement. I believe as we obey him to minister to others; not only is there power in the Gospel, but we become the skin of Jesus.

This testimony was coupled with a challenge to pray this Friday, wherever we are. Pray for the church and pray that we will step into the power of Good News (the Gospel). I have accepted the challenge to pray this Friday and invite all of us to join in agreeing prayer.

Can’t wait to share more Good News this weekend.

 Building Update

The initial bids have come in higher than expected, so our teams are working hard with the builder and architect determining the most economical ways to build. This also involves where the building will be located on the property in order to require the least amount of dirt work possible. When more information becomes available, we will announce it.

In the meantime, people are continuing to generously give and fervently pray!  God is good.  Our present cash on hand is $2,910,223.62.  BTW it is not too late to become a part of the Join the Adventure Matching Grant.   To be a part – set a new recurring gift on the church online giving platform:

Or fill out one of the forms on the information table in the foyer and place it in an offering box.

Celebration of the Goodness of God

Annually we meet to hear reports and testimonies of the goodness of God. We will celebrate His goodness together February 25 at 5:30. In addition, to hearing testimonies and reports of what God has been up to there will also be a time of refreshments. Additionally, we will vote on our revised constitution.

The revised constitution is recommended to us unanimously by our Elder Team. It is reflective of what we talked about in the Re-Think Church teaching series. A copy of the revised constitution is available this weekend at the Information Center in the Foyer. You can also request a PDF copy by calling (307-684-7511) or emailing the church office (

Join us this weekend as Pastor Paul continues this series.

Saturday Night at 5:30 and Sunday Morning at 9:30

Family Night


@Bomber Mtn. Civic Center 

Meal served from 5:30-6:15

Menu: Goulash, French Bread, Salad and Dessert

Small groups for everyone 6:30-7:45

Adults: Pastor Rick will be teaching on the book of Acts

Flashpoint (Middle School—High School) Will be studying the life and ministry of Jesus using clips from The Chosen.

Kindle Kids (Infants– 5th grade): Will be studying Jesus’ ministry.

Better Together Helping Each Other
  1. Wednesday Evenings 5:30– 7:45 Family Night at Bomber Mtn.

  2. Thursday Evenings 5:30-7:00 Ladies Bible Study

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