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Grace Happenings | August 9, 2023

Pastor’s Pen

In Luke 14, Jesus told of a great banquet thrown in the Kingdom of God. Many people were filled with excuses as to why they were not attending the banquet the King was giving. Finally, Jesus had had enough of the excuses and said to the servant, “Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind.” And the servant said, ‘Master, it is done as you commanded, and still there is room., Then the master said to the servant, “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” (Luke 14:21-23).

35 folks labored and used their muscles on Sunday afternoon to put up a 60 x 90 foot tent – wow what a team! The tent has been loaned to us from the Sheridan Community VBS Team.

The whole point of the tent on the new property is to create a Tent of Meeting where ALL: no matter their background, their failings, their troubles, and their situations in life to come and be loved by us and to hear that Jesus loves them and accepts them right where they are.

I am asking the Lord to fill each of us with boldness so many will be invited, and many will come.

See you at the Tent of Meeting 5:30 pm Saturday and 9:30 am on Sunday.

This weekend– Bring a towel to church– you never know when you’ll need it.

 Note the address change.

Tent of Meeting

We will hold services on

 Saturday, August 12-13 @ 5:30pm

 Sunday, August 19-20 @ 9:30 am

 in the Big Tent on the new Grace property.

GF Parents:

For the next 2 weekends during the Tent of Meeting times, KREW (Children’s Church) and Nursery will be meeting at Grace (108 N. Burritt).  KREW will be walking to the train side of the park. Please keep your cell phone on and pick your children up at the park within 20 minutes of service ending.

Nursery will remain at Grace. Ms. Kerri also needs parents to keep their cell phones on and to pick their children up within 20 minutes of service ending.

Security will be present in the building with the kids.

Scott Berglund is happy to answer any questions (307-887-3330).

You don’t want to miss this year’s Equip Conference! Scott Woodard from Raleigh, NC will be our keynote speaker.  There will be seminars offered by Pastor Alex Williams, Pastor Dave & Beth Limmer, Marietta Wright, and our local team. Be watching for registration opportunities.

We are Better Together

There are small groups available for everyone

Children’s Ministry

  1. Saturday Evenings 5:30– Children’s Church (K-5th grade)

  2. Saturday Evenings 5:30- Nursery  (Infants to five yrs.)

  3. Sunday Mornings 9:30 –Children’s Church (K-5th grade)

  4. Sunday Mornings 9:30 –Nursery (Infants to five yrs.)

Flashpoint Youth Ministry

Flashpoint Youth activities will be announced throughout the summer. If you would like to get text message notifications text “Flashpoint” to 307-370- 7203


  1. Women of Grace Bible Study meeting every 3rd Monday @ 6:30- Find Your People by Jennie Allen

  2. Wednesday Mornings 9:00 – Coffee With Grace streaming live on Facebook and YouTube

  3. Thursdays at Noon-Missions Prayer

  4. Thursday Evenings 5:30-7:00 Ladies Bible Study

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