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Grace Happenings | August 30, 2023

Pastor’s Pen

Wow, God is so good. We had 3 weekends (the last weekend seemed to be God’s idea, not ours) in the tent on the new property. Each service was different, and each service experienced the blessing of God. It was a great time.

I think what stood out to me the most though wasn’t the services or the baptisms although both were powerful. What stood out to me was the huge commitment of the Grace Family to jump in and do whatever needed done.

  1. 35 people showed up with an excited, expectant and hard-working spirit to put up the tent.

  2. Trailers were loaned and teams moved the 175 chairs and the heavy risers (which were given to Grace from Bethesda Church in Sheridan). Drums, sound equipment, baptistry tank and water was set in place ready to be used for the glory of God!

  3. Each Saturday evening individuals slept out on the property under or nearby the tent so that the equipment would not need to be taken down before Sunday.

  4. Then with the weekend rains, the take down team of 28 stayed on high alert “are we or are we not?” Finally, the tent came down on Sunday afternoon and was returned to the good folks of the Sheridan VBS who loaned it to us.

  5. Additionally, the online team didn’t forget our online family as long hours were completed by volunteers to edit and stream and restream the services from the tent.

  6. Worship teams, parking team, cones were set up and down, chairs were washed, grass mowed, prayers prayed. On and on it goes! Many acts of ministry, kindness and goodness that went unnoticed.

Wow! Grace Family you rocked it!  I am so blessed, so impressed and so proud of each of you. What a privilege to be part of such an amazing fellowship.

 Raised to Life t-shirts will be available to purchase in the foyer of the church.

Family Night Kick Off

Wednesday, September 20

Meal served from 5:30-6:15      

Small groups for everyone   6:30-7:45

Meals on Wheels

GF has the privilege of delivering meals in the month of September. We are responsible for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday deliveries. Several volunteers are needed. There is a signup sheet at the Information Center or you can call the church office (307-684-7511) to pick a day.

Casas por Cristo date change

Grace Fellowship is excited to announce we will be building a house in the Dominican Republic April 7-13 (Note the date change). This team of 15 will experience a life changing experience as we partner with Pastor Guarin Rodriquez and build a house for a needy family in the Dominican. If you want more information. simply let us know via email or Communication Card!

You don’t want to miss this year’s Equip Conference! Scott Woodard from Raleigh, NC will be our keynote speaker.  There will be seminars offered by Pastor Alex Williams, Pastor Dave & Beth Limmer, Marietta Wright, and our local team. Be watching for registration opportunities.

We are Better Together

There are small groups available for everyone

Children’s Ministry

  1. Saturday Evenings 5:30– Children’s Church (K-5th grade)

  2. Saturday Evenings 5:30- Nursery  (Infants to five yrs.)

  3. Sunday Mornings 9:30 –Children’s Church (K-5th grade)

  4. Sunday Mornings 9:30 –Nursery (Infants to five yrs.)

Flashpoint Youth Ministry

Flashpoint Youth activities will be announced throughout the summer. If you would like to get text message notifications text “Flashpoint” to 307-370- 7203


  1. Women of Grace Bible Study meeting every 3rd Monday @ 6:30- Find Your People by Jennie Allen

  2. Wednesday Mornings 9:00 – Coffee With Grace streaming live on Facebook and YouTube

  3. Thursday Evenings 5:30-7:00 Ladies Bible Study

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