Pastors Pen
Just want to give you a thought to ponder. The Ark of the Covenant was the place of the presence of God. Exodus 25:22 says, And there I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are on the ark of the Testimony, about everything which I will give you in commandment to the children of Israel. The presence of the Lord was manifest or evident wherever the Ark was.
The Ark had three contents, the ten commandments, an almond branch that was budding the manna. Each of this was a reminder of God’s provision and blessing.
I want us to think about the manna for a minute. Remember in Exodus 16 the manna was the bread from heaven that God gave them to eat, but they were only to gather what they could eat on that day. Exodus 16:20 says, some of them paid no attention to Moses; they kept part of it until morning, but it was full of maggots and began to smell.
They were to depend on manna as daily bread and trust God for provision each day because it would go bad by the next morning.
Why did the manna never go bad in the Ark of Testimony because nothing can spoil in the manifest presence of God! I believe in the Presence, everything stays fresh.
Of course, we live in His presence each and every day, but His presence is not always equally manifest in our lives. In your relationship with God seek His deep and evident presence so that everything can stay fresh.
Excited to see you this weekend.
Save the Dates
Mexican Fiesta Dinner & Auction—September 9, 5:30-8:30 @ Bomber Mtn. Marietta Wright has donated 17 “Art from the Heart” drawings that will be auctioned. We will also be looking for other items of value: guns, antiques, times shares, etc. All proceeds will go to the Building Fund, tickets are available at Grace Fellowship. For any questions see Tom Ostlund or Ronda Schlicting.
Power Cooking at GF– August 13, 9-12:00 Text Jill Thorson (307-217-0801) to register
Family Night Kickoff– September 21
Equip-Open Heavens–November 4-6 with Peter Xu and Marietta Wright
Child & Baby Dedications
on August 20 & 21
Contact Pastor Paul if you are interested (307-621-0194)
Meals on Wheels
GF has the privilege of serving our community in September by delivering Meals on Wheels. We are needing volunteers to deliver meals on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. If you can help, please sign up at the Information Center or call the church office at 307-684-7511.
Grandparent’s Day Art Classes
@ the Senior Center
September 6 & 7
3:00 –5:00 pm
Reception for Rob
Join us for a reception for Rob Erkenbrack on Saturday evening, August 20, after the worship service. Rob has just returned from hiking the Appalachian Trail. Come here about his adventures and his spiritual journey.
Sportsman’s Retreat @Camp Bethel in Shell
August 19-21, 2022 Open for all men ages 12 yrs + Space is limited; make reservations today Registration brochures at the Information Center at GF
Save the Date

Children’s Ministries
Saturday Nights
Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 5:30pm– 7:00pm
Sunday Mornings
Children’s Church @ Grace Fellowship 9:00am–10:30am
Student Ministries
Flashpoint Youth for Middle School & High School Students
Saturday Night
Hang out, games, snacks, and lots of fun @ GF after the worship service until about 9:00
Adult Small Groups
Prayer for Missions in the Prayer Room @ GF 12:00pm–1:00pm
Friendship Ministries text 307-267-9833 or email for location, etc.